Transport Rule
1. An optional transport facility is made available to the students. Students can avail the school transport, subject to availability of seats, for any particular area. In case the school transport is not available, the parents will have to make their own arrangements.
2. During the mid-Session withdrawal from the use of transport will not be permitted under any circumstances.
3. Bus Routes charted by the school will not be changed. Change in routes is allowed by the transport in-charge only on written request from the parents (Subject to the availability of seats in that particular route).
4. Transport fee is levied keeping the budget and all overhead expenses in view. Revision of transport charges is at the sole discretion of the school management.
5. 11 months’ transport fee shall be charged.
6. School Bus is a facility and does not entail any right to students and parents and any liability to school if the bus is late, does not reach, breaks down, has been sent on government duty or any other interruption like: social riots, road construction etc. In such cases, parents will have to make their own arrangements.
7. Bus facility will not be provided during ‘Extra Classes’.
8. No request of withdrawal for students studying in Board classes will accepted from January.
9. The bus drivers are authorized to stop the bus only at the designated stops. Students using the school bus are expected to be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the arrival of the bus. The bus will not wait for late comers. 10. Parents are required to pick up the ward from the designated stop. In case the parent/guardian is not there to receive the ward, the driver is instructed to bring back the child to the school.
11. Students are expected to:
a) Avoid throwing any trash/food inside or outside the bus.
b) Keep all the belongings with them. School management is not responsible for any article lost in the bus.
12. Students using school bus are not permitted to travel by any other route, except the bus route that has been allotted to them.
13. For senior students, if the distance between the house & stop is less then 100 meter, motivate your child to use Bus facility as senior students are difficult to accommodate in small vans.
Acknowledgement slip/ Subject Selection Form
I father/mother/guardian of _______________________ of class______ have red all the instruction by school for
transport. I hereby confirm that all the details filled by me are correct and true to my knowledge.
Student’s Name: ____________________ Date Of Birth______________
Current pickup point: ____________________ Distance to Home: ____________________
Father’s Name : ____________________ Signature ________________
Mother’s Name : ____________________ Signature________________