Guideline for Parents

  1. Please read the contents of the Almanac carefully and co-operate with the school in its proper functioning by ensuring that the School Rules are observed.
  2. Kindly, see that the almanac is carried by your ward to the school daily and ensure that your ward carries books and note books according to the time-table.
  3.  Check the haircut, nails and uniform of your ward regularly.
  4. Write name/class on every belonging of your ward including the uniform. Do not allow them to wear expensive watches and jewellery in the school.
  5. Use this almanac for any communication with the teachers. Acknowledge all the notes sent by the School regularly.
  6. Please refrain yourself from directly visiting the classroom. Contact at the reception in case of emergency.
  7.  Apply for leave in advance except in case of emergency.
  8.  Inform the school about change in address and telephone number(s) for the safety of your ward.
  9.  Prepare your ward for the Unit Test and check his progress regularly and write to the school about his problems. Your letters will be replied, after discussion with the concerned teacher.
  10.  It is compulsory for the parents to attend the PTM as it gives you the platform to interact with the teachers about the progress of your ward.
  11.  Any query regarding the performance/progress of your ward will not be entertained if PTM is not attended.
  12.  Students suffering from any infectious disease should take rest at home till the prescribed quarantine period of the disease.
  13. Do not send any gift to distribute among students on your ward’s birthday. Only toffees should be sent for distribution.
  14.  Do not send your ward to school if he/she is not well. Parents are not permitted to take away the child during school hours.
  15. Parents should not give more than Rs.10/- as pocket money (allowed for Classes IV onwards only) to their wards. School will not be responsible for any loss.
  16.  Please ensure that you give only cheques to your ward to pay their fee. Write name and class of your ward at the back of the cheque. If you give them money in case of emergency or for any Exam, guide them to deposit it in the morning itself or submit with the Class Teacher. School will not be responsible for any loss of money.
  17.  Plan your outings and marriages in your family after seeing the Examination Schedule given in the Almanac. No test or exam will be taken after the scheduled date.
  18. Kindly submit the fee of your ward on time to avoid any inconvenience on both ends.
  19.  Kindly see that books and note books of your ward are well maintained.
  20.  Date of birth once recorded in the registration form will not be changed.
  21. Encourage your ward to develop a healthy attitude towards the Community and the Nation.